
Start Your Journey

At Groom Financial Advisory, tailored financial solutions are offered to empower clients with cost-effective, tax-efficient strategies aligned with their goals. From detailed Initial Financial Plans to expert investment management and periodic updates, clients are guided toward their financial goals with professionalism and assurance. Learn more about the process and strategy below.

Financial Planning

Groom Financial Advisory tailors financial strategies to your goals and circumstances, guiding you through retirement, taxes, education, estate planning, and investments with ongoing support for clarity and confidence.

Mapping Your Financial Course

In the realm of financial planning, the journey begins with crystallizing aspirations. Goals may span from securing a comfortable retirement and navigating tax efficiency to acquiring a home or funding education. Moreover, financial planning extends to wealth preservation, legacy building, risk mitigation, and instilling peace of mind through prudent foresight.

Next, the current financial landscape is assessed, encompassing income streams, expenditures, investment portfolios, retirement provisions, insurance coverage, and indebtedness.

 This comprehensive snapshot lays the groundwork for charting a path forward.

Guided by objectives and financial reality, services encompass a spectrum of strategies, including:

  • Personalized retirement planning
  • Insights on funding education
  • Estate planning expertise
  • Tax optimization tactics
  • Portfolio scrutiny (including employer-sponsored plans)
  • Cash flow analysis
  • Mortgage considerations
  • Stock option guidance
  • Lump sum distribution advisories
  • Evaluation of life and disability insurance needs

Additionally, Groom Financial Advisory offers a fresh perspective on existing investments or financial plans, ensuring alignment with clients’ goals and values. At every stage, the aim is to empower clients with informed decisions and tailored solutions to navigate life’s financial complexities with confidence.

In the culmination of this process, the focus is on determining the optimal pathway to translate aspirations into reality, leveraging clients’ current financial standing as a springboard for progress. Ultimately, the financial plan serves as a roadmap, delineating the present position, charting the destination of dreams, and plotting the strategic course to bridge the gap between the two.

Steering Your Financial Path

At Groom Financial Advisory, Marshall believes in crafting personalized asset allocations to suit each client’s unique financial goals, investment horizon, and risk tolerance. His approach begins with designing a tailored allocation across equities, fixed income, alternative investments, and cash, documented in the Investment Policy Statement.

Once established, Marshall implements investments in low-cost, tax-efficient vehicles like mutual funds and ETFs. For equities, he considers market capitalization, investment style, and sector diversification, while fixed income allocation is meticulously balanced for duration, maturity, and domestic versus foreign exposure. Alternative investments, such as commodities and REITs, offer further diversification opportunities.

Marshall regularly reviews and rebalances portfolios to maintain target asset allocations, adjusting as needed based on market conditions or client changes.

Communication is key. Clients benefit from his Quarterly Commentary, offering insights on the economy and his investment strategy. Biannual Portfolio Reviews provide a chance to assess performance, discuss comfort levels, and address any life changes. Annual reports offer detailed performance analysis and tax information.

His Investment Management Services include:

  • Fiduciary responsibility
  • Risk Tolerance Assessment
  • Asset Allocation and Portfolio Design
  • Investment Policy Statement
  • Regular meetings and communications
  • Portfolio supervision and trading
  • Tax management in taxable accounts
  • Quarterly Commentary and Semi-Annual Portfolio Review
  • Semi-Annual Performance, Transaction, and Gain/Loss Reports

With Groom Financial Advisory, rest assured your financial future is in expert hands, navigating the path to prosperity with clarity and confidence.

Investment Management

Tailored asset allocation and strategic investment supervision form the cornerstone of Groom Financial Advisory’s Investment Management services, providing clients with a personalized roadmap towards financial success.

Ready to chart your financial future?

Experience personalized guidance and unwavering dedication as you navigate the path to enduring financial success.